Timothy H. Montgomery
Timothy H. Montgomery
What I Write

I write to catch a moment in time.
Put in words, easy to understand.
Telling a story, to you, a friend, a stranger.
That happened in a space or thought of mine.

The moment may not be measured.
Could be only a thought,
Might not last a second,
But could be something, to be treasured.

Could span over years,
Last a long time,
Over a life time,
This moment of mine. 

My intent is to pass on something,
Maybe a feeling, an emotion, an idea.
Every reader will have his or her own interpretation,
But correctly done, the message will be clear.

Not everyone will like or agree,
What my mind puts down on paper.
We’re all different, that’s the way it is,
It is Ok not to see like me.

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